Unlocking Inner Peace: Top Truths About Therapy with Your Anxiety Therapist in Cincinnati

As a therapist, I assume everyone knows how helpful it is to have the support of a professional. But the reality is, a lot of people are on the fence, don't really know what therapy is like, and aren't sure it'll work for them. Or some of us (myself included) have had bad experiences in therapy and are reluctant to try someone else. Here are some things I want people to know about working with a professional.

Understanding Therapy: Transformative Healing for High Achievers

Therapy isn't just for people who are so anxious they can't function, or so depressed they can't get out of bed. Professional psychotherapy can help high functioning people who are overwhelmed and on the verge of burnout. You might be getting by, just making it through to the end of each week. If you feel like you're constantly waiting for things to slow down so you can breathe, therapy can help you pause and take a big picture look at what's causing this overwhelming stress and what to do about it. Learning new skills and practicing new ways of thinking can help you to not just function, but really be intentional about your life.

Beyond Chatting: The Distinct Support of Professional Therapy

Therapy shouldn't just be venting about your week. Your therapist should be asking questions prompting reflection on how you're seeing things, the choices you're making, and the patterns in relationships. In therapy, you make connections and develop insights, set goals and learn new things so you can make measurable progress. Your therapist will challenge you to grow and provide accountability so you can feel better.

Overwhelm and Burnout: Why High Achievers Need Therapy More Than Ever

High achievers can get caught up in the “doing” and struggle with the “being.” We can identify with our achievements, and struggle when we're not productive or successful. We can also develop a disconnect between what others expect of us and who we truly are. It can lead to some existential questions in times of burnout where we wonder what we're even doing. That is exhausting. Therapy is a great place to explore this and learn to slow down and connect with your true self.

Virtual Therapy: Accessible Solutions for Busy Lifestyles

Virtual therapy has allowed so many busy people to get the support of a professional psychotherapist. Finding one hour at home or in a conference room is much easier than taking time off each week driving to an office and dealing with traffic. Lots of people wouldn't otherwise get help because there's just no time for it.

Mindfulness in Motion: Harnessing Inner Strength with Your Anxiety Therapist

Many of us have heard about or tried mindfulness, meditation, yoga, or some type of practice where we're supposed to slow down. But who has time to actually practice something regularly? And it can be so hard to get your brain to slow down. Therapy is a place where you can take a few moments and breathe in session, but also learn how to practice mindfulness during your day.

For instance, many days the only time I take for mindfulness are while I'm doing dishes or waiting in line at school pickup. Using all 5 senses, you can learn to start noticing everything around you which brings you out of your head and into the moment. Little moments like that add up and make it easier to “drop in” when you do take a few minutes to focus on your breathing.

Solution-Focused Therapy: Empowering Tools for Real-Life Challenges

Old stereotypes about going to a therapist who listens and nods are outdated. Modern psychotherapy is interactive and collaborative. We actively solve problems in sessions, rather than just trying to feel better about something that needs to change. For people who spend a lot of time in their head, therapy can make things more tangible with someone who is truly listening while looking at the big picture, and can walk you through identifying problems and solutions. You can leave a session feeling like you have some direction.

Taking the First Step: How to Start Your Journey with an Anxiety Therapist in Cincinnati

If these truths about therapy resonate, the first step is to find a therapist and set up a phone to see if it's a good fit.

Ready to reclaim your balance and conquer anxiety? Click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with an experienced online anxiety therapist in Cincinnati today for online counseling in Indiana and Ohio. Or call/text 513-461-2045.

The Role of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Treating Anxiety: Insights from a Cincinnati Therapist

Introduction to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a therapeutic approach that’s been around for decades. CBT has become one of the most popular techniques to manage anxiety and depression due to being evidence-based as effective. While it isn’t the only effective treatment for anxiety or depression, and it may not be right for everyone, CBT is an approach I typically start with when I’m seeing someone new to therapy.

Understanding Anxiety: How CBT Can Help

The basic idea of CBT is that our thoughts affect our feelings, which then affect our behaviors. Often with anxiety, the way we are thinking about ourselves, a situation, or most things trends toward the negative. By working on those thoughts and also the behaviors, choices, and coping skills, we reduce the anxiety.

The Principles of CBT: Breaking Down Anxiety

The first step is to build awareness of how we’re thinking, and then evaluate if those thoughts are accurate or helpful. So for instance, in social anxiety we may think that someone looking at us is judging us. Often we aren’t even aware of the thoughts going through our head. So we start with awareness, and learning about the ways our thoughts might be off.

Techniques Used in CBT for Anxiety Management in Cincinnati

The next step in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is to evaluate those thoughts we’re noticing. If we determine the thought isn’t accurate or helpful, we develop an alternative thought. The idea is that our thoughts become habit, so by repeatedly challenging those thoughts, we can start looking at the world more realistically. There are many ways we work through the thoughts, and also behavioral changes that can also reduce anxiety.

Personalized Approach: CBT Therapy in Cincinnati

The first thing any good therapist should do is a thorough evaluation of the anxiety in the context of the whole person. Sometimes there are health issues, situational stressors, or even other diagnoses that might change our approach. Or in some situations, the thoughts are real (like in grief or adjusting to a chronic illness), so we aren’t necessarily challenging them. We also want to determine it’s truly an anxiety disorder, versus something like OCD which may warrant a different technique.

Integrating CBT with Other Therapeutic Approaches

CBT is often great at reducing the overall level of anxiety, and I think it’s a great tool for all of us to learn. I also often use mindfulness and solution-focused techniques as well. So we’re approaching the thoughts, but also increasing our ability to cope and maybe making some changes that reduce our stress.

Finding a CBT Therapist in Cincinnati: What to Look For

If you’re looking for a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist for anxiety, start with any recommendations from friends and family, doctors, psychiatrists, or church leaders. CBT is pretty standard in mental health graduate programs, so most of us are familiar with it. You’ll want to call a few therapists and ask what type of therapy they do, and when you’re searching online or on directories, you can specify CBT.

Conclusion: Empowering Change with CBT

CBT is a great therapy approach for anxiety, and I’ve seen it really reduce distress in a lot of people. It can involve exercises and worksheets, which can help you feel like you’re really working on the anxiety specifically. It isn’t for everyone, and many of us are trained in several approaches we tailor to each person. I start with CBT generally, and then as we get into treatment I’ll use different skills that can build upon that progress as we move forward.

Ready to take control of your anxiety with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? Click here or call 513-461-2045 to schedule a consultation with an experienced online Cincinnati therapist today and embark on your journey towards a calmer, more empowered life. Online therapy in Indiana and Ohio.